Warchief Thrall’s great dream after he broke the shackles of the Orcs many years ago was to found a New Horde, and a nation of their own: in the red deserts of Durotar, he believed he had found his answer. His attempts to mediate with Proudmoore proved wasted, and he was betrayed and executed. Grommash Hellscream, a wizened elder warrior, leads the Horde in a new age, and his crusade for vengeance against Proudmoore did not end with his death. However, when the Great Scourging dawned and the mysterious Prophet had fallen silent, humanity followed him to his new home. Scourge of lordaeron enhanced system.

FieldData elementChecktableDatatypeLengthDecimals
LVORMDeletion Flag for All Data on a Batch at a PlantLVOCACHAR10Possible values
ERNAMName of Person who Created the ObjectERNAMCHAR120
AENAMName of Person Who Changed ObjectAENAMCHAR120
LAEDADate of Last ChangeLAEDADATS80
VERABAvailability dateVERABDATS80
VFDATShelf Life Expiration or Best-Before DateVFDATDATS80
ZUSCHBatch status keyDZUSCHCHAR10
ZUSTDBatch in Restricted-Use StockDZUSTDCHAR10Possible values
X Yes
ZAEDTDate of last status changeDZAEDTDATS80
LIFNRVendor Account NumberELIFNLFA1CHAR100
LICHAVendor Batch NumberLICHNCHAR150
VLCHAOriginal batch number (deactivated)VLCHNMCHACHAR100
VLWRKOriginal plant (deactivated)VLWRKMARCCHAR40
VLMATOriginal material (deactivated)VLMATMARACHAR180
CHAMEUnit of issue for batch (deactivated)CHAMET006UNIT30
LWEDTDate of last goods receiptLWEDTDATS80
FVDT1Date for unrestricted useFVDATDATS80
FVDT2Date for unrestricted useFVDATDATS80
FVDT3Date for unrestricted useFVDATDATS80
FVDT4Date for unrestricted useFVDATDATS80
FVDT5Date for unrestricted useFVDATDATS80
FVDT6Date for unrestricted useFVDATDATS80
HERKLCountry of origin of the materialHERKLT005CHAR30
HERKRRegion of origin of material (non-preferential origin)HERKRT005SCHAR30
MTVERExport/import material groupMTVERTVFMCHAR40
QNDATNext Inspection DateQNPDATDATS80
HSDATDate of ManufactureHSDATDATS80
CUOBJ_BMInternal object no.: Batch classificationCUOBJ_BMNUMC180
DEACT_BMBatch is no longer activeDEACT_BMCHAR10Possible values
BATCH_TYPEType of BatchBATCH_TYPECHAR10Possible values
NULL Batch
1 WIP Batch
Mchb Table In Sap

Sap Technical Field Names


Subscribe to receive deals on training courses in SAP, Business Objects, BI, ERP, HANA and more. Jun 06, 2013  The movement type 301K (marked yellow) did not trigger any update in MBEWH table, because consignment stock has no value, hence no change to valuation, which means MBEW table is not affected. Finally we have movements in May 2011, and the first movement caused the creation of year end records of 2009 and 2010 and for the previous month 04 2011.