Counter-Strike 1.6 is a first-person online shooter video game, released on January 29, 2013. It was developed by Valve Corporation and published by Sierra Entertainment.

Counter-strike 1.6 Play Online Game

Counter strike 1.6 play 3d online games

Counter Strike 1.6 is extreme shooting team play.Each player in counter strike game can choose to play as one team of eight fighters. All have different models. Counter strike Players are provided a small slot of few seconds before the shooting round begins (known as “freeze time”). This freeze time in counter strike is to prepare and get equipment.During freez time in counter strike. Follow @CsdownloadLt. CS 1.6 online game free download. Welcome to this page. On our site you can quickly download cs 1.6 online game, without resorting to the kind of registrations, SMS and viruses. Cs 1.6or counter-strike is the most popular for many years establishing discipline, now community slowly takes on the CS GO, but cs 1.6 still has a lot more users, now this game rests only on.

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Counter Strike 1.6 Play Online

Counter Strike 1.6 Download

CS 1.6 encourages you to choose one character out of eight. There are two teams viz. terrorist and anti-terrorist. Before the game starts, you’re allowed a few seconds. This is because when a warrior enters into the battlefield, he needs some time to prepare himself and to check his weapons. During this grace period of time, you ready yourself and buy equipment. Additionally, during this period, called ‘freeze time’, no member of one team is permitted to attack the member of the other tea+m, but rather they must wait for the time to end.


CS 1.6 Game Play

The game will advance through by following the map on the screen. Since it is all about shooting, yet if you run out of bullets, it is better for you to come back to the same place where you bought equipment/weapons. There is a score board, indicating your name, kills, deaths, and ping. If you’re carrying something with you, it also reveals. If you’re dead, then you wait for the round to complete. It means that you cannot continue the round, in which you’re once killed, but rather, you will resume playing in the next round.Counter-Strike 1.6 is completely based on team-orientation. It is important to note that the pace of this game is fast. As mentioned above that there are two teams, one team tries its utmost to eliminate the other. Every member of one team has a quench to kill the member of another team. If all the members of one team have killed the members of another team, then the former will be declared as a winner. There are dangerous weapons and equipments available for both teams. Another new version Counter Strike 1.8 PC Game and Counter strike Condition Zero Game is also available to download for free.

Counter Strike 1.6 Play Online

counter strike 1.6 System Requirements

Windows Xp,7,Vista
Ram: 128MB
Video Memory: 16 MB
Cpu: 500Mhz

Counter Strike 1.6 Play Online With Friend
