1. Frostbite The Long Dark
  2. The Long Dark Cabin Fever Bug
  3. Long Dark Intestinal Parasites

The Long Dark can be a very challenging game, but it can also be extremely peaceful and meditative. Use these tips to get help get you started as you build your way to a long term survival technique. The Long Dark will be out on August 1st on Steam and PS4, but you can also play the early access version now on PC and Mac.

Wintermute Episode 2. How I figured out how to hunt the bear without getting mauled. Tedious, but effective.
Other The Long Dark Guides:
  • All Regions Maps.
  • Surviving Over 200 Days.
  • Milton Safety Deposit Box Keys.
  • Milton Supply Caches.
  • Grey Mother - Light Up the Night.

Gee, What Bright Burning Fur You Have

So when I started the mission, the bear is waiting outside for you, right off the bat. Startling, for sure, but not an automatic mauling.
First, make sure your rifle and your flare gun are both loaded.
This next part, I did try a couple different times, different ways, with varied results. The first method is more risky than the 2nd.
First method) Have your rifle at the ready and soon as you exit Jeremiah's shack, aim and shoot that Big angry Furball. Sometimes he (or she, #feminism) came at me anyways and mauled me, sometimes it reared up on it's hind legs and when I fired the rifle near point blank range, the bear ran away.
Second method) This method is much more likely to buy you some time, but you don't get a hit right out of the gate, prolonging your hunting of 'Ol Smokey. Have your flare gun ready and when you exit, fire at the bear. This will certainly cause screaming and fleeing. I've heard that flares can work as well.

Frostbite The Long Dark

Things to look for and watch for!
You need to hit the bear 6 (six) times in order to kill it. You do NOT have to follow Jeremiah's advice and shoot when it is bearing (see what I did there?) down on you and you can see the whites of it's eyes. I think Jeremiah read too much early American history or something, but that is horrible advice.
Tip to remember throughout this story line: If you got a shot in and the bear ran away, check your journal to make sure that you were given credit and it reads (1/6) bear encounters. As you progress through the mission, look for the red blood splatter when you fire from a safe (hopefully) distance and immediately check your journal to make sure credit was given. If not, quit the game and restart.

A Walk in the Woods Doesn't Have to Be Rushed

Now, you have to go hunt the bear. Look at your map for the likely spots to find it. Pretty much every time I tried it, the bear was next at the spot just above the Trapper's cabin on the map. I got to the top of the hill, saw Smokey through the trees, crouched, and lined up my shot.

The Long Dark Cabin Fever Bug

I found that the rifle is most accurate in the first second of aiming, then drifts all over the place. I found I had much better hit/shots fired ratio when I would aim, get the bear in the sights, then re-aim to make sure it lined up. This can be tricky if the bear is moving from side to side in your field of view.
When the bear notices you, it will face you, then rear up on it's hind legs. The time to aim is when it faces you, then re-aim so you can be lined up when it rears up. Fire, look for the red blood splatter, and if you see it, check your journal to make sure you got credit. If you got credit, Hooray! It only gave me credit about half the time.
Now the bear will charge you. Do not panic! Smoothly switch to your flare gun that's already loaded, aim and turn Smokey into a burning furrball. The bear will again fleet the scene. I tried switching back to rifle and shooting the bear as it ran away, but never got credit for my hits. Maybe you will, results will vary, I'm guessing.
FeverLong Move onto the next spot, which for me, is always Frozen Creek. I head that direction, usually hugging the mountain side on the north of the area, till I find the bear and repeat the previous steps.
Aim, re-aim, fire, look for blood splatter, check journal, equip flare gun, line up bear charging you and blast the bear with a flare. Sometimes the bear will just run away when you hit it with the rifle. This saves a couple steps and a flare shell. Consider yourself lucky, and move on.
The game will usually save right before you encounter the bear, so if you notice this, you are probably seconds away from having Smokey in sight, so be ready. This will also be where you will re-start if you mess up and get mauled. Getting mauled isn't the end of the world, but I hate to ruin my new combat pants and lose all that blood and have to go sleep off the injury.

The Long Dark's latest patch, entitled Vigilant Flame, adds the new Hushed River Valley region and revamps the cooking system of the Kickstarter title.

Kickstarter-funded survival game The Long Dark came out of early access not too long ago, but Hinterland is still looking to improve their game’s experience. The most recent update of the game adds a new area called the Hushed River Valley alongside some bug fixes and a revamped cooking system in an update called Vigilant Flame. If you want to see the update in action, you can check it out in the video below.

The first major change of The Long Dark comes in the form of the new Hushed River Valley region, described as:

Hushed River Valley is a multi-leveled Region that connects to Mountain Town, extending some of the same difficult terrain you see around the town of Milton. The new Region is full of waterfalls, rivers and streams, and lots of cliff areas, but includes no man-made shelters. It’s a highly challenging wilderness area, but keep an eye out for natural shelters, supply caches, and perhaps a mysterious Signal Fire to guide your way.

Additionally, the revamped cooking system now adds a greater layer of immersion by having players place cookable items on hot surfaces. Different foods require different amounts of time on the grill to get all nice and edible, meaning different timelines to manage as you cook. It will require players to keep a vigilant eye on their cookable foods but also offer players the chance to complete other tasks rather than sitting around and staring at the stovetop for hours on end.

Another update comes in the form of “buffer memories”. Billed as information stuck in a computer’s memory before all the technology around Great Bear was suddenly rendered inert by the mysterious aurora, these bits of the narrative will appear at night and contain collectibles that promise to help flesh out the world.

Below, you can check out a video of the Vigiliant Flame update, as well as the patch notes for this latest release. The Long Dark is currently available on PS4, Xbox One, PC, Mac, and Linux. Doom vs wolfenstein 3d.

If you’re interested in the full patch notes, you can check them out here:

Changelist v1.33 [37608]

General Fixes

* [All] Fixed Crows spawning below ground.
* [All] Fixed Intro Movie not respecting Master Volume settings.
* [All] Updated localization.
* [All] Fixed duplicated resolutions appearing in Options.
* [All] Fixed FOV being limited to 100.
* [UI] Fixed inventory actions becoming broken when switching between Keyboard/Mouse and Controller.
* [UI] Improved responsiveness of Resolution Selector in Options.
* [UI] Fixed Main Menu flashing briefly before intro video when running the game on Mac or in DX9 mode.
* [UI] Fixed missing Title when viewing Map Screen in Mountain Town.
* [UI] Updated Region Description formatting to be more consistent.
* [UI] Updated UI art to include Climbing Socks.
* [UI] Fixed Feat progress bars to better represent progress.
* [UI] Updated Main Menu Custom Mode text to be easier to read.
* [UI] Fixed Fish appearing with missing or bright colours when taken from a fridge and inspected.
* [UI] Fixed Earmuffs appearing on Paper Doll when equipping other Accessories.
* [UI] Moved “Sort” icon in the Inventory screen.
* [UI] Updated Clothing UI tooltips for all platforms.
* [Linux] Fixed light shaft rendering incorrectly.
* [Linux] Fixed audio not playing for some players.
* [Wintermute] Fixed checkpoint screenshot showing image from previous save.


* [All] Fixed momentary freeze when opening Inventory for the first time.
* [All] Fixed Light Source menu being unavailable when Flashlight is the only light source.
* [All] Scaled size of Fish to work with new cooking system.
* [All] Consolidated UI actions around a single verb – “Use”.
* [All] Updated controller actions to support new Quick Placement feature.
* [All] Fixed Aurora not always appearing correctly when player is Passing Time/Resting at specific intervals.
* [All] Updated cooking surfaces around the world for new Cooking System.
* [All] Updated Campfire placement
* [All] Fixed UI not always updating after performing an action such as Purifying water.
* [All] Fixed Clothing Screen stats not always updating after changing clothing.
* [All] Fixed Living Off the Land achievement progress being reset when drinking tea crafted from Reishi Mushrooms or Rosehips.
* [All] Fixed items falling through certain rugs.
* [All] Fixed missing audio when crafting Tinder from Sticks.
* [All] Updated instant kill regions on cliff faces to be more forgiving in some locations.
* [All] Fixed incorrect text appearing when interacting with an active Fire during windy conditions.
* [All] Updated Disclaimer screen not respecting game language when set to Dutch.
* [All] Player can no longer eat ruined food from the Inspection screen.
* [All] Fixed Weak Ice warning persisting if player loads game while standing on Weak Ice.
* [All] Fixed Bear becoming stuck in animation when not in player’s view.
* [All] Fixed player being able to become stuck when attacked while Crafting.
* [All] Fixed Campfire rewarding extra Charcoal.
* [All] Fixed extra arrow being generated after Harvesting a corpse then saving and reloading.
* [All] Realigned Wolf positioning when it feeds off a Moose carcass.
* [All] Adjusted the speed of Rifle shot sound effect when firing indoors.
* [All] Fixed unintentional movement when player is using the Radial Menu with a Controller.
* [All] Fixed misaligned blood decal after harvesting corpse.
* [All] Disabled Radial Menu while holding a stunned Rabbit.
* [All] Lantern now shows Gallons when Imperial Units are selected. Was showing Ounces previously.
* [Survival Mode] Fixed Locations Discovered in the Stats screen to account for Regions with variable number of interiors due to ruined structures.
* [Survival Mode] General fixes for a wide variety of minor locations to make them easier to Survey.
* [Survival Mode] Fixed rare scenario where WINTERMUTE map could appear in your Survival Mode map list.
* [Survival Mode] Fixed Moose getting stuck in running animation when it dies while running.
* [Survival Mode] Fixed not being able to Survey Wolf Carcasses that spawn into the game.
* [Survival Mode] Fixed arrow trails remaining after firing an Arrow in certain scenarios.
* [Survival Mode] Removed Stone Church from Faithful Cartographer requirements, as it was causing an issue with legacy game saves.
* [Survival Mode] Fixed Moose entering hold position when player is holding a light source.
* [Survival Mode] Fixed wildlife resetting location after player transitions to a new Region/interior.
* [Survival Mode] Fixed player becoming stuck when saving and loading while on stairs.
* [Survival Mode] Fixed non-interactable brush near Lonely Lighthouse.
* [Survival Mode] Improved Moose pathfinding when under trees.
* [Wintermute] Fixed player being unable to save if they delete all their Story saves, while playing Wintermute.
* [Wintermute] Fixed several locations where Bear could become stuck during Jeremiah’s Folly mission.
* [Wintermute] Fixed missing textures on Cache boxes.
* [Wintermute] Fixed controller input registering during Episode One ending, resulting in UI popup.
* [Wintermute] Autosave option now only appears when playing Wintermute.
* [Wintermute] Fixed issue where Player could not enter Hank’s Hatch during the Episode Two side mission if they unlocked the hatch, but were missing the letter.
* [Wintermute] Fixed deer carcass disappearing at the opening of Episode One if Player interacts with, saves, then reloads game.
* [ Wintermute] Fixed Cabin Fever icon appearing in Story Mode, even though the player can not get Cabin Fever in Story Mode.
* [Custom Mode] Adjusted how Wildlife Flee chance is applied.
* [Custom Mode] Adjusted loot tables.


* [All] Fixed missing texture from the Burnt Flare when viewed in Inspection mode.
* [All] Fixed Smoke “glowing” at night or in fog.
* [Art] Updated Gun Rack scaling to better match Rifle size.
* [Enviro] Tweaked many item placements.
* [Enviro] Fixed numerous locations where objects clip into the environment.
* [Enviro] Polish pass on all Regions.
* [Enviro] Fixed floating snow banks.
* [Enviro] Fixed instances of bushes clipping into trees.
* [Enviro] Fixed Climbing Rope texture not appearing correctly.
* [Enviro] Fixed stretched texture on fallen tree trunk.
* [Enviro] Fixed numerous locations where players could become stuck.
* [Enviro] Updated various tree groups that were missing collision.
* [Enviro] Fixed some Ropes being difficult to interact with from the bottom.
* [Enviro] Fixed floating Rosehip bushes in Timberwolf Mountain.
* [Enviro] Fixed trees and bushes populating the same location in Desolation Point.
* [Enviro] Fixed Flag clipping into Lake Cabins.
* [Enviro] Removed extra exterior window on certain cabins.
* [Survival Mode] Fixed Moose scratch texture on trees appearing stretched.
* [Wintermute] Fixed Aurora during Episode One introduction sequence flickering at certain angles.

Long Dark Intestinal Parasites


* [PS4] Added Italian and Polish translations of all in*game text and subtitles.
* [PS4] Performance improvements.
* [PS4] Fixed several memory*related crashes.
* [PS4] Fixed button prompts flickering when tabbing between menus.
* [Xbox] Fixed flickering when bringing up the Home Panel via the Xbox button.


* [Xbox] Performance improvements.
* [Xbox] Added Italian and Polish translations of all in*game text and subtitles.
* [Xbox] Fixed issue where conditions for Achievements could take an extended amount of time to be reported.
* [Xbox] Fixed Japanese text flickering when scrolling through certain menus.
* [Xbox] Fixed screen overlapping when signing out of profile on certain screens.

Windows 10

* [UWP] Fixed Launching the title in Norwegian preventing Player accessing Survival mode.
* [UWP] Fixed issue causing mouse to lose focus, resulting in game minimizing unexpectedly.
* [UWP] Fixed debug info remaining on screen after pressing F8 for a screenshot.