1. Hoi4 Realistic Nukes Mod 1
  • Realistic; Page 5 of 18 nuclear weapons. Renamed Atlantic Union for the HOI4 mod adaption. The lore isn't really consistent or unified so different bits and pieces from different times and places are mixed together, such as the naming of the US-led western alliance.
  • Minecraft NUKE MOD! BUILD GIANT NUKES WITH GIANT EXPLOSIONS! Modded Mini-Game with MooseMods. Post your comment. Submit comment. Be the first to comment. Minecraft METEORS MOD! L SURVIVE GIANT REALISTIC METEOR FALLS!l Modded Mini-Game. 17:01 Minecraft TSUNAMI MOD! RUN FROM GIANT TSUNAMIS DESTROYING WORLDS! Modded.

Allied AI:

There is nothing more annoying then getting a beachhead somewhere that already struggles to supply your invasion force and immediately see about 3–4 allied front line plans form and just decimate your supply. In a previous answer I used a game as Canada as an example for something and said “I’ve managed to secure a few beachheads and held them for quite awhile”. I didn’t lose the beachhead because I had shitty divisions or not enough I lost the beachhead because the UK decided that the best course of action after I secured one port in Norway was to send around 15 random divisions into the port thus murdering the supply and making me lose around two 40 width infantry divisions and the beachhead. From the same game I had to defend India from the Soviets (Finland was democratic so shit went wild when the Winter War started) even though the Indians and UK had plenty of divisions to defend it they just decided “Nah that 10 division Canadian army and those two 10 width New Zealand divisions got this”. It took the AI like 4 months to finally send divisions to India so I could go do something more useful like try and liberate Europe.


Built nuclear reactors provide the state with enriched uranium for use in nuclear weapons, but have no effect without the requisite technology to make nuclear bombs. However, it may be wise to build a few reactors before finishing the engineering technology Nuclear Bombs due to the long reactor build times.

AI in general:

This one mainly focuses on how the AI conducts its combat operations. My most recent game was on the Great war mod as the Russian Empire (Note: I don’t understand why the Germans and Austro-Hungarians get 5–8 million manpower on Limited Conscription and I only get like 3 million? I know they get that militarism national spirit but how come I don’t as Russia? ). I managed to hold the Central Powers at my defensive line and all was well until I looked at France and saw they were just attacking level six trenches with fully entrenched Germans and were on 0 manpower. I don’t get why the AI can’t make the conclusion after a major offensive fails that continuing to attack that same line with weakened divisions is a bad idea. That also bridges into my next complaint and that would be when the AI chooses “Total mobilization” that gives them-3 recruit-able manpower when they are on volunteer only or limited conscription and of course they end up having no manpower and the AI usually has no political power to raise their conscription law because they blow it on useless things.


As you can see my biggest annoyance in the game is the incompetent AI that I really wish they’d improve.

Hoi4 Realistic Nukes Mod 1

Thanks for reading.