Merry Christmas everyone!

  1. Star Wars Clone Commander Doom
  2. List Of Star Wars Clone Commanders

Star Wars Clone Commander Doom

Sooooo Christmas update! Yay! I meant to do this earlier but then family and holiday stuff happened so I was delayed. But better late than never!


This is another chapter that focuses on characters that are little less known. For those who are unfamiliar with Commander Doom and General Tiplee, they appear in the first episode of season 6 of TCW - episode titled 'The Unknown.' Fair warning to any who have not watch that particular story arc that it is nothing but pain. Sweet, agonizing pain. It's the kinda thing where you already know how its going to end, but the entire time you watch it, you are praying for a different outcome. That kind of pain.

Thank you to all those who reviewed!

Disclaimer: Same as last time.

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Doom is alone with his General when it happens.

It's a simple mission. They're scouting ahead, though the Separatist presence on this planet isn't supposed to be that large, it's better to be safe than sorry. Especially with how things have been going for them lately.

The loss of General Tiplar had hit all of them hard, but none more so than General Tiplee.

Doom still remembers the way he and General Tiplar had moved in tandem that day, working together with flawless precision that had come from years in each others company. He remembers staying with her, guarding her back. He remembers the shock that filled him when he saw her go down, the way his stomach dropped when General Tiplee had cried out for her twin.

He remembers the way shock turned to horror when he saw his brother with the smoking blaster in his hand standing over her corpse.

He was supposed to protect his Generals and he'd failed.

But he had never thought he would ever have to protect them from a brother.

And then, only three months later, he'd almost failed again. The mission to the Mandalorian outpost. He hadn't been there, but he'd read the report.

His General had almost died.


Run through with a lightsaber. He is forever grateful to General Kenobi. He had kept General Tiplee alive long enough to be thrown into a becta tank. She had lived, but Doom still remembers the chill that had crawled up his spine and the way his stomach sank into his boots.

General Tiplee had been grounded after that mission.

This is her first since return to active duty and Doom intends to protect her with everything he is.

He will not fail again.

He can't.

Execute Order 66.

And then he finds out he might not have a choice.

Doom feels like he's somewhere else. Somewhere far away and he's watching everything unfold from a distance – as if it were a scene in one of those plays his General likes so much.

He doesn't understand what's happening.

List Of Star Wars Clone Commanders

He doesn't understand why he's drawing his blaster.

He doesn't understand why he's suddenly stalking his General like she's prey.

Good soldiers follow orders.

Doom feels like his been dunked in ice.

His breath halts in his chest and his heart is suddenly in his throat. Cold sweeps through his veins and he feels numb.

Good soldiers follow orders.

He knows those words.

He's heard them before.

Right before his brother killed one of his Generals.

Is this what happened? All those months ago?

Did this thing invade Tup's mind and carve him out and take his place?

Is this why his General is dead?

Doom screams.

Good soldiers follow orders.

The same words that his brother said as he pointed his blaster at General Tiplar's head. The same words he said right before he pulled the trigger.

They're echoing inside Doom's head.

They're echoing inside his head and he's pointing his blaster at his General's back.

Star Wars Clone Commander Doom

The only General he has left.

The one he swore he would protect.

The one he promised.

Doom's screaming, raging, but General Tiplee doesn't notice. She keeps moving, leaving him her back because he's always guarded it. Because even though he failed her sister, she still trusts him with it.

And he's about to shoot her.


Is this what Tup felt like?

Trapped with no way out, screaming inside his head?

Is this what it's like for all of them?

Order 66 is boiling inside him, pounding away at his mind, demanding the death of the Jedi. Of all the Jedi. Of his General. He hears the thing inside his head talk about contingencies, about plans he never knew existed until this moment.

Someone has taken his body and turned into a weapon, ready and waiting.

Someone has done this with all of his brothers.

And Doom can feel them pulling the trigger.


He's not in control of his body anymore. His arms move by themselves, blaster already in his hands, to aim at his General's back. He tries to pull back, to move his arms, to drop his blaster, to do something, but nothing happens.

It doesn't matter that he doesn't want to shoot his General.

It doesn't matter that he'd already failed once and swore that he would never fail again.

It doesn't matter that he promised his dead General that he would do everything in his power to keep her sister alive.

It doesn't matter that Doom would bleed for General Tiplee.

That he would live for her, die for her, kill for her.

It doesn't matter that they both still grieve for the same women every second of every day.

It doesn't matter that Doom knows how much this war is costing his General, how much he wishes he could spare her that pain.

It doesn't matter that he loves her.


It just doesn't matter.

Doom tries anything, anything, to give his General some kind of warning. To allow her to defend herself, to disarm him first, to kill him first.

Her back is still facing him.

He pulls the trigger.


Doom is howling as the shot connects.

Left shoulder blade – inches away from her spine.

His General stumbles forward as she takes the hit before she whirls, her blue lightsaber snapping to life with a familiar hiss, and then she freezes. Her blue eyes go wide and Doom can see the emotions play across her face. Confusion, betrayal, anger. Doom wants to reassure his General, to tell her that he would never betray her, but that's not entirely true anymore, is it? Because he might be protesting, but his body is getting ready to take another shot.

General Tiplee lunges at him, her saber slicing through his blaster with ease.

Doom's relief quickly melts into frustration as his body slams into hers, sending them both tumbling down the incline. He's only peripherally aware of the rocks that slam into his armor, entirely focused on giving his General any opening he can.


They hit the ground hard and Doom feels the breath leave his General's lungs.

Her lightsaber has fallen just out of reach and he prays that she will think to reach for it rather than grapple with him. That she will use it to end him instead of prolonging this horror any longer and risk giving him an opening.

She never gets the chance.

His hands close around her throat and he can feel them squeeze.

General Tiplee gasps beneath him, clawing at his hands, his wrists, his arms, trying to rip them off her.

Doom has never before taken into consideration how much smaller than him his General is. She is thinner than him, her throat could easily fit into one of his hands and he's using both of them to force the air from her body. She's trapped beneath his bulk in a way that makes revulsion claw at his stomach and fear grip his heart.

Total war warhammer 2 heroes. GOOD SOLDIERS FOLLOW ORDERS.

His General's movements are slowing.

Her eyes are glassy and unfocused.

He's just noticed the gash across her right temple, dark blue blood painting her crimson skin. It must have happened in the fall. He hadn't noticed. Hadn't noticed it at all. Head wounds always bleed a lot. Her blood is dripping down her face, flowing through the tendrils on her head, a pool steadily growing beneath them. His gloves feel sticky and that's when Doom realizes that her blood has seeped into the fabric.

He has his General's blood on his hands.


For a moment every things stills.


Then he rages.

Doom claws his ways back into his body, uncaring of the pain in his head, the screaming in his ears, the voice repeating those awful words over and over and over again.

His arms are stiff and ridged with the force he's exerting on them and he wills his fingers to move. Off his General, away from his General, his hands will never again touch his General. Not after this. Not after this betrayal, after this abomination.

His General sputters a cough beneath him before a hand is shoved against his chest and then he's flying back.


His back slams into the rock face.


He feels something snaps and then everything becomes muted.

The voice in his head quiets, shouting becomes a whisper. He can't move and in any other circumstances he might have been fighting off panic but right now all he feels is relief. If he can't move, then he can't hurt his General. If he can't move, then he can't kill his General.

He hears his General hacking, air rushing back into her lungs, and he has to close his eyes to stop himself from weeping.

Force, this is such a mess.

A familiar snapping hiss and heat against his cheek has him opening his eyes again. His General is standing over him, eyes hard and colder than he's ever seen. Her face is covered in blood, the wound on her head still weeping, her tunics stained. Her left arm is cradled close to her body and Doom remembers dimly that his first shot had connected.

'Commander,' General Tiplee says, voice rough, in her cool collected way that tells Doom exactly what level of angry she's at, 'What the hell was that?'

The last time his General was this angry, she was facing down her sister's killer.

So he gives her the only answer he can.

'Good soldiers follow orders, sir.'

She recoils sharply, her crimson skin paling into a dusky pink. She recognizes the words, he knows. Heard them the same place he did, knows exactly what happened the last time those words left a clone's lips.

Her lightsaber flicks off after a long moment of them just staring at each other and she slowly goes to her knees beside him.

'Doom,' she says softly, and he hates the tremor he hears there, 'What's going on?'

He feels a token protest from the thing in his head, but it's easier to brush off now. Maybe it knows that he can't carry out the order now – even if he had wanted to. Good soldiers have to be able to move after all.

'Order 66,' he answers her, voice just as soft, 'Apparently, us clones come preprogrammed with contingency plans,' he says with a bitter smile.

He sees the realization in her eyes, the puzzle pieces falling into place. Mysteries on Ringo Vinda that had never been solved, the words of a brother that had never been explained.

'The death of the Jedi,' she whispers, looking at him in horror before gasping sharply, eyes going distant. Silvery tears start running down her cheeks and Doom is breaking. He's only seen his General this way once and he'd swore to protect her from feeling this kind of pain ever again.

He's failed.

Not only that, but he's the source of her pain.

He's not sure what's worse.

Okay, guys. This is part 1. Part 2 of this arc should be up during our regularly scheduled Sunday update if everything goes according to plan.

Until next time,
