Revised December 23, 2017

  1. Star Wars Jedi Shaak Ti

There, she struggled to balance the necessity of producing capable troopers with compassion for the Clones as living beings. Ti helped defend Kamino against Separatist attacks while balancing her assignments in the field with her duties on the Jedi Council.” Shaak Ti. Light Side, Jedi, Support, Healer, Tank. Shaak Ti is a Togruta Jedi Master and one of the main characters who appeared in the Star Wars universe. She is portrayed by Orli Shoshan in the live-action films and voiced by Tasia Valenza in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Find great deals on eBay for star wars shaak ti. Shop with confidence. Skip to main content. Shaak Ti Jedi Master 2005 STAR WARS Revenge of the Sith ROTS MOC #21 See more like this. Star Wars Saga AOTC 3 3/4' Action Figure shaak ti b8 t6. Was: Previous Price $5.00.

Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

I have decided to postpone work on the latest chapter (Chapter 38), and instead begin reworking this story from the ground up. I have posted this reworked and revamped chapter 1, and I hope that everyone likes it. I realized that the story introduced Anakin's love for Shaak Ti too soon, and spoiled the 'chase.' Plus, I felt that everything was much too condensed and didn't flow very well. I am keeping the plot the same, although I will be severely lengthening the story, as well as making it flow better in terms of my writing style. I look forward to your feedback in the comments. I am not deleting the old chapters, but I will be slowly replacing them, so until I get more chapters out, everything will feel a bit disjointed. I appreciate your understanding and support, and I promise that I will use the ample free time I have between now and Jan. 1st to post many more reworked chapters!

Co-Author: Brandon66

In Love With A Master

Chapter One

One year had passed since the end of the Clone Wars. After three years of living hell, the galaxy was at peace once again. The leaders of the Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS) had surrendered at their base on Mustafar, and sentenced to life imprisonment. The corporations that had backed the Separatists were disbanded, and their assets absorbed into the Republic. All the worlds that had formerly pledged allegiance to the CIS were granted amnesty, and any remaining battle droids and battle droid factories were shut down, with the droids being melted down and repurposed en-masse.

# # #

As the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker had fulfilled the prophecy and brought balance to the force by exposing Chancellor Sheev Palpatine as the Sith lord Darth Sidious, and informing the Jedi Council of Palpatine's master plan to eliminate the Jedi through the Clone Wars and Order 66. He was aided by his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, and his former Master and lifelong friend Obi Wan Kenobi. He had confronted the Chancellor with Masters Mace Windu and Shaak Ti, and my padawan Ahsoka, and ultimately killed Sidious, as he was declared 'too dangerous to be left alive.'

Anakin still remembered it as if it was yesterday. As he was thinking about the events that had transpired that day, Ahsoka approached him.

'Hey Skyguy! Are you alright?'

'Hey Snips, did I ever tell you about what happened after the Chancellor knocked you unconscious?'

'I don't believe so, Master,' she replied.

'Well I think it's time that I filled you in on what you missed,' he said as he began to fill in Ahsoka.

It went something like this:

Master Yoda, in the most serious tone he had ever heard from the aged Jedi Master, instructed them to confront the Chancellor in his office immediately and, if necessary, execute him.

'Masters, I have a speeder outside ready and waiting,' Anakin said.

Master Windu turned to him, with a look of concern across his face. Anakin was amazed that he was able to make facial expressions at all, considering that he always seemed to have the same face of being emotionally detached from everything, and everyone, around him. He adopted a look of concern to match Windu's, instead of his normal method of dealing with tense situations by being lighthearted and carefree.

'Skywalker, do you think we can handle him with only four Jedi, or should I ask for reinforcements?'

'With all due respect Master, I think that the four of us can handle him; any more Jedi would simply get in the way and create confusion,' Anakin responded.

With that, the four fully-robed Jedi made their way to the speeder as quickly as possible for a Jedi. As soon as they gotten both feet in the speeder, Anakin started the engines and took off at breakneck speed towards the Senate building.

After they had succeeded in most likely causing traffic accidents and headaches for the police, they landed at the closest place to their destination. They grabbed their robes, and proceeded to their final destination. They made their way to the Chancellor's office at walking speed, as opposed to the frantic run to the speeder in the Temple, in order to maintain calm and avoid suspicion.

Once they were standing outside the office doors, Master Windu made sure that everyone was clear on the plan.

'I will confront the Chancellor. I want you three ready to draw your lightsabers at a moment's notice, in case he tries anything. Stay on your guard, and don't let yourself be consumed by anger.'

He opened the door, with Anakin, Shaak-Ti, and Ahsoka following behind him.

The Chancellor spun around in his chair, and addressed Master Windu.

'Master Windu. I take it that General Grievous has been destroyed, then? I must say that you are here sooner than expected.'

Mace drew his lightsaber and activated it, with the other Jedi following suit.

'By order of the Galactic Senate,' Master Windu said, 'you are under arrest, Chancellor.'

'Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?'

'The Senate will decide your fate,'

'I AM THE SENATE,' he growled.

'Not yet,' said Master Windu.


Palpatine stood up, and a previously concealed lightsaber emerged into his hand.

'It's treason, then,' he said as he activated his red lightsaber.

He leapt into the air, spinning as he hurled himself towards the group of Jedi. He began by focusing on his padawan, using his sith lightning to render her unconscious and cause her to collapse in a heap against the wall.

Anakin quickly glanced over at her, but soon returned his focus to the battle at hand.

I will check on her after we're done here.

Palpatine chose to attack Shaak Ti next, with each blow from his lightsaber accompanied by a counter-blow from the Jedi Master. Remembering that he had two other Jedi to deal with, Sidious used his force lightning to knock Master Windu unconscious as well, and using the force to fling him across the room like yesterday's trash.

With only Anakin and Shaak Ti left standing, it was up to them to fight the Sith Lord. Each blow from Sidious was matched by counterblows from the two Jedi, and his sith lightning was absorbed by one of their lightsabers. During the fighting, Shaak Ti's leg made contact with his lightsaber, causing her to fall to the floor. Palpatine used a force push to send her flying across the room.

'NOOOO!' Anakin yelled.

His anger boiled over, and he struck Palpatine as hard and fast as he could.

'Anakin my boy, think of all that we can accomplish together. We could bring peace to the galaxy!'

'I'll never join you!' he yelled in response, 'The Jedi are my family, and I will fight to the death to protect them.'

'I can bring back your mother.'

My mother? What does he mean?

This caused Anakin to lose my focus, allowing him to strike him with his lightning. He fell to the floor, dropping his lightsaber in the process. Palpatine used this opportunity to kick it away from him, and attacked the now defenseless Jedi with his lightning.

'Young fool. Only now at the end do you understand,' he said to Anakin as he writhed on the floor in pain, 'Now, suffer the consequences of your lack of vision.'

'Now, young Skywalker, you will die,' he said, an evil grin emerging on his face.

Anakin was still on the floor, completely engulfed in the pain he felt. He thought it would never end.

Suddenly, the pain stopped, as if someone had unplugged the Chancellor. He looked up, and saw a blue lightsaber protruding from his attacker's chest, and saw the now limp body of Darth Sidious fall before him as he heard the sound of a lightsaber being sheathed.

Shaak Ti was standing over him, and he wasn't sure if she knew that he was conscious. She checked his pulse, and with a hand on each cheek, looked into his eyes and begged him to respond.

'Oh my Force Anakin, please say something, give me some sign that you are still in there!'

Not one to disappoint, Anakin looked up at her, and gently placed his hand on hers.

She immediately hugged him, crying onto his shoulder for a moment before pulling away. She wiped the tears from her eyes, and asked if he was injured.

'I've had worse, but I think I'll be alright,' he said.

Master Windu and Ahsoka were still unconscious, so the two Jedi carried them to the speeder, and returned to the temple.


Later that day, after hearing the news, the Senate held an emergency election to find a new Chancellor. It was decided that the decision would be announced to the public by having the newly appointed Chancellor address the galaxy regarding what had happened. Not even the Jedi knew who it was until it appeared on the Holonet.

The Jedi Council, along with Anakin and a somewhat conscious Ahsoka, watched from the Council chambers as Senator - now Chancellor Amidala addressed the galaxy, including the worlds still loyal to the Separatists.

'Citizens of the Republic, It is my duty to inform you that Chancellor Palpatine was a Sith Lord by the name of Darth Sidious. It was he that started the Clone Wars, through manipulation of both sides, in an attempt to collapse the Republic and destroy the Jedi Order. Earlier today, four Jedi confronted and killed Darth Sidious, which I hope is the first step towards peace in the galaxy. To any worlds still loyal to the Confederacy of Independent Systems, I must inform you that you have been lied to - Count Dooku, who claimed to be your champion for freedom, and the corporations that supplied your battle droids, were pawns to Darth Sidious. As of the time of this broadcast, I have been chosen as the new Chancellor of the Republic. As Chancellor, I urge you to make peace with the republic and end this pointless war. Thank you.'

Master Yoda was the first to speak.

'Sense, I do, that surrender, the Separatists will not. More time, it will take. Force a surrender, we will. Young Skywalker, congratulate you on behalf of the Jedi, I do. Restored balance to the force, you have. Master Kenobi, return to the Outer Rim with Anakin, you must.'

Anakin bowed out of respect and left.

'And you woke up shortly after, Snips.'

'Wow. I knew about what happened in the Council Chamber, but nobody ever told me that Master Ti saved your life.'

'You're the first person that I've told besides Obi Wan.'

'I'm glad that you trust me enough to tell me, Skyguy.'

# # #

Six months after the death of Palpatine, and nothing had really changed for Anakin Skywalker. Life went on. The Separatists were still fighting the Republic, and although they had lost many worlds, they were still able to increase the death toll for the Republic daily.

Anakin was on mandatory leave from the front after almost six straight months of fighting. He knew he needed a break, so when he was ordered to return to the Temple, he didn't complain.

When he arrived back, he got a comm from Obi Wan telling him that the Council wanted a full debriefing on the fighting in the Outer Rim.

He arrived at the Council chambers, and gave the most thorough briefing of his life. He was about to leave, when Master Yoda told him to wait. Impatient and tired, he turned back around.

'Yes, Master Yoda?' he said.

'An important announcement, I must make. Concern all Jedi, it does.'

He asked Master Windu to transcribe what he said, and turned to address the Council: 'See the effects of this war on the Jedi, I do. Great pain and suffering, it has caused. To prevent further suffering, allow attachment for Jedi, I do. Free to love, they are.'

Master Windu finished his transcription, and handed the pad to Yoda. With a tap of his finger, he sent the transcript of his announcement, as well as an audio recording of it, to everyone in the Jedi Order. Everyone present, including the usually expressionless Master Windu, were shocked. Nobody could find the words to express the disbelief they felt.

Sensing the awkwardness of the situation, Anakin turned to his former Master and indicated that he wanted to leave. Obi Wan nodded in approval, and Anakin quickly exited the Council Chambers.

He was heading back to his quarters when he saw Shaak Ti. For months, he had been meaning to thank her for saving his life, but he hadn't gotten the opportunity. Now, however, he had a golden opportunity. He saw her in the hall and, without wasting any time, ran to catch up to her.

'Master Ti, may I speak to you for a moment?'

'Absolutely, Master Skywalker.'

He pulled her into the first empty room, with a look that she had come to know meant that he had something important to say.

'Master-,' he said before she cut him off.

'Please, call me Shaak Ti.'

'Shaak Ti,' he said, testing the word as it left his lips, 'I wanted to thank you for saving my life. I know there is no way words can repay you, but at least it's a start. And please, call me Anakin.'

She giggled.

'It's ok Anakin, you don't have to do anything to repay me.'

'I do. I must repay you somehow.'

'Well, since you're so set on expressing your gratitude, maybe you could help me with some training on Kamino? I'm supposed to leave tomorrow and spend a week there overseeing the training of new Clones. They are excellent soldiers, but the training process can be somewhat tiring at times. I could really use a hand.'

Star Wars Jedi Shaak Ti

Without hesitation, Anakin turned to her and said 'I'd be more than happy to!'

'Great! I'll meet you at the hangar tomorrow.'

With that, she turned around to leave, glancing back to look at him one more time before they parted ways.

As Anakin was walking back to his dorm, he saw a plethora of Jedi that had decided to make their previously secret relationships public, with some even kissing in the hallways. All of this reminded Anakin that he had been feeling rather lonely lately, especially when it came to finding love. He had tried in the past, but it never seemed to work.

I might have a chance now, what with the Council allowing attachment and relationships among Jedi.

He was determined to change his luck for the better.

# # #

I hope everyone enjoyed this! If you want to read some a story that focuses more on clones, I suggest taking a look at 'Whatever Happened to Captain Rex?' by LongLiveTheClones.