Jun 13, 2019  Xampp is a free package of web services developed by Apache Friends. The package is cross-platform, so it can work in Windows, Mac OS X, Solaris and Linux of course. The main purpose of the package is to simplify the installation and control of several web services. XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is really very easy to install and to use just download, extract, and start. What do you need to know about.

I am using xampp on my Ubuntu OS. And I need to know what version of PHP my xampp is using.How do I do that?

Radu Rădeanu
124k35 gold badges257 silver badges330 bronze badges
Mohammad Reza SaberiMohammad Reza Saberi

3 Answers

Put this in your root directory:

Save it as phpinfo.php and point your browser to it (this could be http://localhost/phpinfo.php)

Mar 04, 2019  Trevor Noah, shown at the Oscars last month. Noah has apologized for a joke about war between India and Pakistan. Trever noah apologizes india.

  • More information (you can get much more information than just the version).
  • Example (random image):

Xampp Control Panel V3.2.1 Php Version Pdf

216k28 gold badges418 silver badges557 bronze badges
Radu Rădeanu
124k35 gold badges257 silver badges330 bronze badges

Xampp Control Panel V3.2.1 Php Version Windows 7

8,2485 gold badges23 silver badges40 bronze badges

Download Xampp Control Panel V3.2.2

first you have to need the version of your Xampp


Then you can check the php version from xampp website

Xampp Control Panel V3.2.1 Php Version

you can't know it from command line since it's bundled inside the Xampp


protected by CommunityFeb 24 '18 at 16:56


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