1. Trevor Noah On Twitter
  2. Trevor Noah Apologizes India Today

Comedian Trevor Noah has said he is sorry for making jokes about the sharp rise in tensions between India and Pakistan over disputed Kashmir. He said a war between the two would be 'the most entertaining', adding 'it would also be the longest war of all time another dance number!' After Noah's Daily Show appearance last week, criticism built up online which saw the South African comedian condemned as 'racist' and 'insensitive'.

India and Pakistan have fought two wars and a limited conflict over Kashmir. Both countries claim all of Kashmir, but each controls only part of it. The events of the past two weeks has seen an almost unprecedented escalation, which culminated in Pakistan shooting down an Indian fighter jet and capturing an Indian pilot, whom they later released him. Shelling over the de facto border dividing Kashmir continued over the weekend, resulting in civilian casualties on both sides.

Trevor noah apologizes india today

When one Twitter user accused him of mocking 'war through a Bollywood stereotype', Noah responded with an explanation of his comedy process - but also said 'I am sorry that this hurt you and others, that's not what I was trying to do'. He said that he used comedy to 'process pain and discomfort', pointing out that he had even made jokes about his mother being shot in the head. He followed up by saying that he was amazed that his joke over the conflict 'trended more than the actual conflict itself'.

Trevor Noah On Twitter

Comedian Trevor Noah has said he is sorry for mocking the recent escalation in tensions between India and Pakistan. Noah, host of the award-winning Daily Show, said in a recent episode that a war. Trevor Noah apologises for jokes about India-Pakistan border conflict (independent.co.uk) submitted 1 hour ago by tinkthank. 21 comments; share; save.

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The gag, in an episode of The Daily Show, caused most anger in India where thousands poured fury onto Twitter. Twitter is the social media platform where political controversy in India tends to play out as such this is where offence escalated most. In addition, there isn't a well established tradition of political satire in India, so Noah's comedy was bound to have its detractors.

Trevor Noah Apologizes India Today

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