The solution is simple to change the Hibernation settings in Windows 10, turn off, turn on, or disable completely if required!

Content / Example / Tip:

1.) ... Disable, enable customize, turn off/on Hibernate or Sleep in Windows 10 over Power Options!
2.) ... Disable or enable, the Hibernate via the command powercfg in Windows 10!
3.) ... Temporarily disable sleep and standby in windows 10!◄ HOT TIP

See also:
... disable preview in the Taskbar of Windows 10 ► Disable Password in Windows 10 (hibernation, energy saving)!

1.) Disable, enable customize, turn off/on Hibernate or Sleep in Windows 10 over Power Options!

Please start the Power-Options Windows-Logo+R and the command control.exe /name Microsoft.PowerOptions click the Text Change plan Settings! (... see Image-1 Arrow-1)
At this place, you can easy create a desktop shortcut for Windows-10 power-options, via drag and drop
(... see Image-1 Arrow-2)
(Image-1) Windows 10 Power Option CUSTOMIZE!

1a.) Change plan Settings in Windows-10!

and now change the sleep and display setting for Windows-10 computer! (... see Image-2 Arrow 1 to 4)
Or ... change the advanced power options settings
(Image-1) Customize the power settings in Windows-10!

1c.) Customize the advanced power options settings in Windows-10!

Now change the settings: (... see Image-3 Arrow 1 & 2 )
Require a password on wakeup
Hard disk
* Maximum Power Level
* Turn off hard disk after
Internet Explorer
* JavaScript Timer Frequency
Desktop background settings
* Slide show
Wireless Adapter Settings
Power Saving Mode
* Sleep after
* Allow hybrid sleep
* Hibernate after
* Allow wake timers
USB settings
* USB selective suspend setting
Power buttons and lid
* Power button action
PCI Express
* Link State Power Management
Processor power management
* Minimum processor state
* System cooling policy
* Maximum processor state
* Turn off display after
* Enable adaptive brightness
Multimedia settings
* When sharing media
* When playing video

(Image-1) Advanced power options settings in Windows-10!

General Info Text for Windows 10 and other Win OS:
On most PCs, you can resume working by pressing your computer's Power Button. However, not all computers are the same. You might be able to wake your computer by pressing any key on the keyboard, clicking a mouse button, or opening the lid on a laptop. Check the documentation that came with your computer or go to the manufacturer's website.

2.) Disable or enable, the Hibernate via the command powercfg in Windows 10!

Please start the cmd.exe in admin mode!
Enable Hibernate in Windows 10: enter in the command prompt: powercfg -h on

Disable Hibernate in Windows 10: enter in the command prompt type: powercfg -h off
(... see Image-4)
(Image-4) Disable or enable, the Hibernate sleep via the cmd.exe!

3.) Temporarily disable sleep in windows 10!

Windows 10 is on ENERGY EFFICIENCY, it may happen that the windows go faster to sleep or hibernate , that is necessary, also if the programs are working and have not completed the tasks or download.
This problem can be solved with the freeware Don't Sleep, without disable or change the energy features setting in Windows -10.
If you don't have the freeware Don't Sleep, please download it: ... download DontSleep
(Image-5) Temporarily disable sleep and hibernate in windows 10!

Useful Info from Microsoft (c):

What's the difference between sleep, hibernate, and hybrid sleep?

The Windows 10 Sleep is a power-saving state that allows a computer to quickly resume full-power operation (typically within several seconds) when you want to start working again. Putting your computer into the sleep state is like pausing a DVD player—the computer immediately stops what it’s doing and is ready to start again when you want to resume working.
The Windows 10 Hibernation is a power-saving state designed primarily for laptops. While sleep puts your work and settings in memory and draws a small amount of power, hibernation puts your open documents and programs on your hard disk, and then turns off your computer. Of all the power-saving states in Windows 10, hibernation uses the least amount of power. On a laptop, use hibernation when you know that you won't use your laptop for an extended period and won't have an opportunity to charge the battery during that time.
The Window 10 Hybrid sleep is designed primarily for desktop computers. Hybrid sleep is a combination of sleep and hibernate puts any open documents and programs in memory and on your hard disk, and then puts your computer into a low-power state so that you can quickly resume your work. That way, if a power failure occurs, Windows 10 can restore your work from your hard disk. When hybrid sleep is turned on, putting your computer into sleep automatically puts your computer into hybrid sleep. Hybrid sleep is typically turned on by default on desktop computers.
Prevent my windows 10 computer from automatically sleeping or hibernating!
You can adjust how long your windows 10 computer waits before sleeping or hibernating or prevent it from turning itself off altogether. But be careful. On a battery powered laptop, inhibiting sleep or hibernation can result in data loss if the battery dies.
You can prevent unauthorized access by requiring a password to unlock your computer when it wakes from sleep. For more information, see: How do I change the password requirement when my Windows-10 wakes from sleep?
See also: ... disable preview in the Taskbar of Windows 10 Disable Password in Windows 10 (hibernation, energy saving)!
The examples for sleep, hibernate, and hybrid sleep is also suitable for:Windows 10 (Redstone 4 & 5) Pro, Enterprise, Home, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows-Server 2016, 2012, 2008
FAQ 42: Updated on: 29 May 2019 12:50
  1. Deep Power Off Mode Que Es

Energy savings


A wide range of equipment – computers, TVs, audio and video equipment, dishwashers, microwave ovens, and electric toys – can have standby and off modes.


ACPI Suspend Mode = S3. Deep Power Off Mode = Disabled. Power on by PCIE Devices = Enabled. Power By Onboard LAN = Enabled (I do have this option on the eMachines, even when enabled and deep power off mode was enabled it still did not work) Sam - I have all of these settings set the same in the BIOs and still no joy. Deep Power Down state (DPD) is the lowest possible power state. In this mode the processor flushes and disables L2 cache, saves the state of each core into on-die SRAM memory, and then lowers core voltage close to 0 Volt.

  • Since 2009 these devices are required to switch into a low power mode (such as standby) after a reasonable amount of time
  • Since 2013, they must not consume more than 0.5 Watts in standby or in off mode

Deep Power Off Mode Que Es

These rules have reduced annual electricity consumption by around 35.5 TWh per year – the equivalent to the annual energy consumption of Romania. This has saved consumers €25 billion per year and 39 Mt of CO2 emissions.

EU ecodesign requirements are mandatory for all manufacturers and suppliers wishing to sell products consuming electric power in standby and off mode in the EU.

Network-connected standby devices


Modern appliances are increasingly connected to the internet during standby mode, consuming higher amounts of energy. This includes networked televisions and decoders, printers, game consoles and modems.

  • Specific requirements for network-connected standby devices were introduced in 2013.
  • Since January 2017 networked standby devices must not consume more than 3 to 12 Watts depending on the product.

This compares to 20 to 80 Watts previously. This decrease is expected to save an additional 36-38 TWh.