Posted byCCNA3 years ago
  1. Intermapper How To Crete Sub Map Of Italy

Here's the rundown. We have a large network that I'd like to map.

  • 2,000+ devices nationally

  • Be able to scan/monitor subnets for existing and any new devices

  • Devices communicate on different mediums

  • See neighbours mostly over interior routing protocol

  • Want it to be Google Maps like in the sense that it's an extremely responsive and accessible map

  • Want to display some information about the paths - things like maybe interface description, IP address, etc.

So what do you guys recommend? I've seen LibreNMS, The Dude, and Weathermap+Cacti to name a few. Anything you guys can recommend?

Intermapper How To Crete Sub Map Of Italy

The software now features a 'Map Status' probe that enables you to view sub-maps whose contents can then be manipulated with InterMapper Remote. You can also configure multiple devices with a. Create top-level map Intermapper can have top-level maps that indicate the most serious condition of a sub-map. Open your top-level map and position it and the Map List so you can see both windows. Drag the icon for any sub-map from the Map List into main map.

User Menu
Intermapper how to crete sub map of illinois

Radius Around Point

You can use this tool to find the radius around a point on the map. First type in the radius required in kilometers or miles and then click on the map at the center of where you wish the circle to appear. You can then create as many radii as you wish.

Radius Around Point Map

[12th July 2018] Unfortunately, due to a large price increase in back-end services, we can no longer offer some features on this page or have had to use alternative providers.



  1. Type in a radius required in the Radius Distance text box above
  2. [Zoom and Pan to find the required area on the map then click on the map to draw a circle] OR [Type a location into the text box and click Draw Radius] OR [Input the latitude and longitude of the location in decimal format].
  3. Click as many times as necessary to draw multiple circles
  4. You can use the [Clear Map] button to erase all markers and radii and start again

Use the 'URL to last radius' text box to find a URL that will show the most recent radius on this page when opened in a web browser. This URL can be sent to anyone if you wish to forward it on.

Google Earth KML Output

You can now export all the drawn radii on the map to Google Earth for improved display and printing. You must have Google Earth installed (or another application capable of importing KML files). You need to have a radius displayed on the map before the output will work. Please report any bugs.

The procedure to Export to KML is as follows:

  1. Draw one or more radii on the map as you see fit
  2. Once ready, click the [Generate KML] button. You will probably need to scroll down the page to find this!
  3. After a short delay, the KML file with download
  4. You can then open the KML file in application such as Google Earth

Currently, the KML will include:

  1. The same radius size and shape
  2. Transparency of 50%

It will not include:

  1. Shading colour (blue only, but you can change this once it is loaded into Google Earth)
  2. Line colour (you can change this once it is loaded into Google Earth)
  3. Line thickness (you can change this once it is loaded into Google Earth)
Intermapper how to crete sub map of europe

These features may be added later depending on feedback.

CSV Upload

The CSV option allows you to upload bulk points to the map. To do this you must format your points using the convention of latitude,longitude,radius per line where latitude and longitude are in decimal format and radius in km. Make sure to strip out any whitespace. You can upload as many lines as you wish, however more lines will take more time and every web browser will have its limits on the maximum number of lines (hence circles drawn) before things slow to a halt.

For Example...


..should add two radii around the Olympic stadium in London for 10km and 15km

Future Ideas

  • Ability to input nautical miles
  • URL link includes settings to show/hide the radius centre marker and resize grip
  • URL link to include the data for multiple radius
  • KML export improved to cope with 100's / 1000's radius
  • Ability to customise the center marker

Version History

  • 22nd September 2018 - Fixed issue with USA County Borders
  • 18th February 2018 - User settings are stored between settings. Radius, map type, fill color, line color and line thickness
  • 11th October 2017 - KML output now includes the label (if defined) for each radius
  • 2nd March 2017 - KML output now includes fill and line colours for each radius
  • 2nd November 2016 - New CSV Output panel displays parameters of all radius drawn
  • 31st October 2016 - New button to draw radius at current location
  • 19th August 2016 - Bug fix : URL for multiple radius didn’t appear when only drawing radius by place name
  • 21st July 2016 - URL is now available for all radius drawn
  • 25th February 2016 - URL now contains information about the map type so you can load the radius with different map types
  • 4th May 2015 - Update to allow a resize after using method 2 or 3 to recalculate the Radius Distance
  • 7th May 2013 - 2 new options added : URL loads full screen? AND URL loads unclickable map?
  • 13th January 2013 - Label on marker now displays radius. You can now annotate markers.
  • 15th February 2012 - Updates to layout of options
  • 8th January 2012 - Added search for location text box
  • 7th January 2012 - Resolved issue where the specified fill colour was not used if the draw by address or latitude/longitude was used
  • 22nd December 2011 - Added full screen option. Fixed issue when dragging the centre point of a smaller radius
  • 15th September 2011 - Added option to upload CSV text for bulk upload of multiple points
  • 13th June 2011 - Fixed issue with clear fill having the same colour as the previously selected colour
  • 7th June 2011 - Option to hide the resize grip
  • 3rd June 2011 - Radii can now be resized while onscreen
  • 23rd May 2011 - Radii can now be clicked to be drawn inside an existing radius
  • 10th May 2011 - Static map output now uses Google Static Maps API V2. No key required. Will not output an URL > 2048 characters
  • 9th May 2011 - Fixed issue with clear fill having a grey shade
  • 15th April 2011 - Allow the last radius to be deleted (not just all at once)
  • 3rd February 2011 - Export to KML now copes with multiple radii
  • 20th January 2011 - Circumference and area now also output in miles and acres
  • 29th December 2010 - Click on a marker to delete it
  • 29th December 2010 - Allow markers to be dragged
  • 29th December 2010 - Converted to Google Maps API V3
  • 2nd June 2010 - Moved the scale control to the top of map to stop conflict with Google Search bar
  • 27th January 2010 - Added Google Earth KML Output
  • 13th October 2009 - Overlapping radii now supported
  • 29th September 2009 - Added Google Search Bar to map. Added radius display on marker when you hover over the marker
  • 24th September 2009 - Added URL to last radius function
  • 17th September 2009 - Added Google Maps Static API Image Output
  • 3rd January 2009 - Added latitude and longitude input option
  • 29th September 2008 - Added clear fill option
  • 9th September 2008 - Added Place radius by location name option and reworked some other functions
  • 21st January 2008 - Improved circle reliability and added fill colour
  • 15th October 2007 - Added area and circumference output
  • 25th September 2007 - Added different colour's, change thickness, show/hide center marker, change map height and print the page
  • 13th September 2007 - Now works with IE
  • 22nd July 2008 - Added option to use miles as radius input
  • 30th June 2007 - Clear Map button added
  • 29th June 2007 - Page created with basic functionality

Comments For This Page

best site ever you rock
By lawrence on 4th June 2019

Warum nicht in Deutsch??
By Idur on 24th May 2019

Man, I love this website!
By Clinton on 20th May 2019

nice, it works good
By Abhishek Mahato on 2nd May 2019

It is really useful
On 23rd April 2019

I think it's better for you to use Open Street Map instead of Google Maps
On 17th April 2019

Find ZIP Codes Inside a Radius allows you to output the ZIPs inside a radius.
By Free Map Tools on 8th April 2019

Not possible
By Free Map Tools on 8th April 2019

Possible to add county boundaries?
By Kathleen on 7th April 2019

Is it possible having drawn your radius to output the zipcodes within the radius
On 6th April 2019

Hi, sorry, not sure how to do that.
By Free Map Tools on 30th March 2019

do you guys know how to have solid lines appear around states?
On 29th March 2019

On 29th March 2019

Hope this works
By Grenville Fewkes on 26th February 2019

I can't figure this out. Also stop putting in ads that glitch on my screen. Your service is terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By I am not telling you!!!!!!!! on 25th February 2019

Good for your location
By Anjesh Kumar on 21st February 2019

Who do I need to satisfy to get my product????
By Vincent J Bisogno on 13th February 2019

Chris, I'm making a few assumptions, but you might be looking for this page : Find Australian Postcodes Inside a Radius
By Free Map Tools on 5th February 2019

Doesn't seem to work? I just want a list of postcodes inside a 40k radius from a set suburb.
By CHRIS BYLHOUWER on 4th February 2019

Thank you! I do hope the 'draw a line across all centers' feature make it in the list too!
On 1st February 2019

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Intermapper how to crete sub map of italy

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