1. Jedi Academy Kotf
  2. Star Wars Jedi Academy Knights Of The Force

Knights of the Force 2.0 is a Jedi Academy Modification, which the development took place between 2003 and 2008. Previous 1.0 version was developed and released for Jedi Outcast in 2002. Knights of the Force (KotF) is an expansion pack which recreates Jedi Academy with levels, characters, environments, weapons and vehicles from the 6 movies.

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Young Jedi Knights:
Heirs of the Force

Attribution information


Cover artist

Publication information


Release date

Media type






Followed by

Young Jedi Knights: Heirs of the Force is a Legends junior novel written by Kevin J. Anderson and Rebecca Moesta. The novel is the first installment in the series Star Wars: Young Jedi Knights, and it was first published on June 1, 1995 by Berkley Boulevard. Heirs of the Force is set in the year23 ABY, and it follows fourteen-year-old twins Jacen and Jaina Solo during their time at the Jedi academy on Yavin 4.

The novel was reprinted in the collections Young Jedi Knights: The Rise of the Shadow Academy (1996) and Young Jedi Knights: Jedi Shadow (2003).

Publisher's summaryEdit

While exploring the jungle outside the academy, the twins make a startling discovery—the remains of a TIE fighter that had crashed years ago during the battle against the first Death Star. Mechanical whiz Jaina thinks she can repair it…if they can sneak the right parts from the academy.

Meanwhile, their work is being closely watched—but not by academy eyes. The original pilot, an Imperial trooper, has been living wild in the jungle since his ship went down. Waiting to return to duty. And now his chance has come…

Plot summaryEdit

New friendsEdit

After spending a month of training to become Jedi Knights at Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum, Jacen and Jaina's father Han Solo arrives on Yavin 4 with gifts for the twins and a new Jedi trainee—Chewbacca's nephew, Lowbacca. Along with Tenel Ka Djo—a seemingly humorless warrior girl who befriended them during the past month—the twins and 'Lowie' become fast friends. To help Lowie communicate with his fellow students, Chewbacca and Han give him a small translator droid named Em Teedee, whose mannerisms bear an uncanny resemblance to those of the droid C-3PO.

After assembling the T-23 skyhopper that his uncle had given to him as a going-away present, Lowie takes it on a test flight. He spots a shiny object glimmering in the branches of a Massassi tree, and returns to the Praxeum, vowing to return as soon as possible. After missing evening meal, Lowie shares his discovery with Jacen, Jaina and Tenel Ka. The next day the four Jedi trainees set out in the skyhopper to investigate Lowie's discovery.

When they arrive at the site, Jacen, Jaina, Lowie, and Tenel Ka discover not just a TIE fighter's solar panel (the shiny object), but the rest of the TIE fighter as well. Somewhat envious of Lowie's skyhopper, and wanting to face the challenge, Jaina believes that the wrecked TIE fighter can be fixed. Scrounging up parts from the remains of the old Rebel base and the area surrounding the crash, the Jedi trainees go about the task of fixing the wrecked fighter. In addition to the repairs, Jaina decides to install an old hyperdrive unit (that she had received from her father) onto the fighter as well.

Unbeknownst to the Jedi trainees, their work is being watched closely by Qorl, the pilot who had crashed the fighter during the Battle of Yavin. During the past 23 years he has been waiting the opportunity to return to the Empire and help obliterate the Rebellion.

Encounter with QorlEdit

One day while searching for more parts for the TIE fighter, Jacen finds an Imperial insignia that had come off Qorl's uniform. He searches further, eventually discovering what has been Qorl's home for the past 23 years. He rushes back to the site of the crash and warns Jaina, Tenel Ka, and Lowbacca of the pilot's survival. Immediately thereafter Qorl appears, brandishing a blaster and telling the Jedi trainees that they are his prisoners.

Lowbacca escapes with his skyhopper and attempts to utilize its bulk in attempting to scare Qorl away. Qorl is unfazed, however, and uses his blaster to critically damage the skyhopper. Lowie flies away and lands the skyhopper. Grateful that it doesn't explode, he begins to make his way to the Praxeum. In the process of getting there, Em Teedee is detached from Lowbacca's belt and has an adventure with a pack of woolamanders.

Lowbacca arrives at the Praxeum but no one can understand him because he lost Em Teedee. Frustrated, he recalls that Han and Chewbacca are still nearby, checking out Lando Calrissian's new GemDiver Station. He heads to the Praxeum's communications center and informs Han about the situation. Han tells Lowie that he will be back as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Tenel Ka flees into the jungle. She is then attacked by a number of battle hydras. She eventually stumbles upon a pack of woolamanders, who provide an effective distraction to the battle hydras. In the commotion she hears the voice of Em Teedee crying for help. She rescues him and uses his directional sensors to make her way back to the Praxeum.

Saving the twinsEdit

At the crash site, Qorl marches Jacen and Jaina back to his home at gunpoint. Once there, he restrains them and gives them something to eat. Jaina and Jacen realize that Qorl has had absolutely no contact with the outside world and inform him of the current political situation in the galaxy. The next day, Qorl marches the twins back to the crash site at gunpoint, ordering them to complete the repairs on the TIE fighter so that he may return to the Empire. The twins do so, and he blasts off, vowing to destroy the Praxeum before reporting back to the Empire.

Han Solo and Chewbacca arrive at the Praxeum in the Millennium Falcon. Shortly before taking off with Lowbacca to save the twins, Han allows Tenel Ka and Em Teedee to board the Falcon. Once they are airborne, they notice a TIE fighter making a beeline for the Praxeum. Qorl tries to fire his laser cannons, but it turns out that the twins didn't restore them to good working order. The Falcon chases him as he flies out of the atmosphere and escapes, using the hyperdrive that Jaina had installed on the TIE fighter.

Once the TIE fighter has made the jump to hyperspace, Han, Chewbacca, Lowie, and Tenel Ka head for the crash site, finding that Jacen and Jaina seem to be fine, though worse for wear. A few days later the Falcon carries the damaged skyhopper back to the Praxeum. Lowie and Jaina immediately begin work on the airspeeder. The four Jedi trainees contemplate whether Qorl made it back to the Empire.



  • ISBN 9781572970663; June 1, 1995; Berkley Boulevard; US paperback[1]
  • ISBN 9780425169490; March 15, 1999; Berkley Jam; US paperback[3]

Cover galleryEdit

US paperback, Berkley Boulevard edition
Cover art
US paperback, Berkley Jam edition
German edition
Polish edition
Russian edition


This list is incomplete. You can help Wookieepedia by expanding it.
By type
CharactersCreaturesDroid modelsEventsLocations
Organizations and titlesSentient speciesVehicles and vesselsWeapons and technologyMiscellanea


  • Vodo-Siosk Baas(Mentioned only)
  • Brakiss(Mentioned only)
  • C-3PO(Mentioned only)
  • Lando Calrissian(Mentioned only)
  • Chewbacca 'Chewie'
  • Ta'a Chume(Indirect mention only)
  • Tenel Ka Djo(First appearance)
  • Teneniel Djo(Mentioned only)
  • Isolder(Mentioned only)
  • Kallabow(First mentioned)(Indirect mention only)
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi(Mentioned only)
  • Exar Kun(Mentioned only)
  • Lowbacca 'Lowie' (First appearance)
  • M-TD(First appearance)
  • Palpatine(Mentioned only)
  • Peckhum(First appearance)
  • Qorl(First identified as Qorl)
  • Anakin Solo(Mentioned only)
  • Leia Organa Solo(Mentioned only)
  • Wilhuff Tarkin(Mentioned only)
  • Raynar Thul(First appearance)
  • Darth Vader(Mentioned only)
  • Yoda(Mentioned only)


  • Bantha(Mentioned only)
  • Crystal snake(First appearance)
  • Gnat(First appearance)
  • Jumping spider(First appearance)
  • Lizard crab(First appearance)
  • Mucous salamander(First appearance)
  • Nerf(Mentioned only)
  • Rancor(Mentioned only)
  • Reptile bird(First appearance)
  • Ropy caterpillar(First appearance)
  • Stintaril(First appearance)
  • Stump lizard(First mentioned)
  • Swimming crab(First appearance)
  • Thread-worm(First appearance)
  • Unidentified furry gray creature(First appearance)
  • Unidentified leaf-shaped creature(First appearance)
  • Unidentified two-headed reptile(First appearance)
  • Unidentified Yavin 4 monster(First appearance)
  • Whisper bird(First appearance)
  • Womp rat(Mentioned only)

Droid models

  • Medical droid(Mentioned only)
  • Protocol droid
    • 3PO-series protocol droid(Mentioned only)
    • M-TD miniaturized translator droid(First appearance)


  • Battle of Endor(Indirect mention only)
  • Battle of Yavin 4(Mentioned only)
  • Destruction of Alderaan(Mentioned only)
  • Duel in the Senate(Indirect mention only)


  • Alderaan(Mentioned only)
  • Coruscant(Mentioned only)
  • Dathomir(Mentioned only)
  • Kashyyyk(Appears in flashback(s))
  • Tatooine(Mentioned only)
    • Beggar's Canyon(Mentioned only)
  • Yavin system
    • Yavin Prime
      • GemDiver Station(First mentioned)(Indirect mention only)
    • Yavin 4
      • Great Temple
        • Communications Center(First appearance)
        • Strategy Center(Mentioned only)
      • Palace of the Woolamander(Mentioned only)

Organizations and titles

  • Alliance to Restore the Republic(Mentioned only)
  • Ambassador(Mentioned only)
  • Galactic Empire(Mentioned only)
    • Galactic Emperor(Mentioned only)
    • Grand Moff(Mentioned only)
  • Hapan Royal House(Mentioned only)
  • New Jedi Order
    • Jedi healer(Mentioned only)
  • Pirate(Mentioned only)
  • Prince(Mentioned only)
  • Privateer(Mentioned only)
  • Singing Mountain Clan(Mentioned only)
  • Smuggler(Mentioned only)

Sentient species

  • Krevaaki(Mentioned only)
  • Massassi(Mentioned only)
  • Unidentified avian(First appearance)
  • Unidentified pink-furred beast(First appearance)

Vehicles and vessels

  • Airspeeder
    • T-16 skyhopper(Mentioned only)
    • T-23 skyhopper(First appearance)
  • All Terrain Armored Transport(Mentioned only)
  • Death Star I(Mentioned only)
  • Lightning Rod(First appearance)
  • Sandcrawler(Mentioned only)
  • Shuttle(Mentioned only)
    • Delta-class JV-7 escort shuttle(Mentioned only)
  • Speeder(Mentioned only)
  • Star Destroyer(Mentioned only)
  • T-65 X-wing starfighter(Mentioned only)
  • YT-1300 light freighter

Weapons and technology

  • Blaster pistol
  • Crash webbing(First appearance)
  • Cyberfuse(First appearance)
  • Flash heater(First appearance)
  • Force field(Mentioned only)
  • Ion afterburner(First appearance)
  • Lightsaber(Mentioned only)
  • Macrobinoculars(Mentioned only)
  • Medkit(Mentioned only)
  • Power converter(Mentioned only)
  • Servomotor(Mentioned only)
  • Superweapon(Mentioned only)
  • Vibroblade(Appears in flashback(s))


  • Algae(Mentioned only)
  • Animated metal sealant(First appearance)
  • The Ballad of Master Vodo-Siosk Baas(First appearance)
  • Corusca gem(Mentioned only)
  • Credit(Mentioned only)
  • Face mask(Appears in flashback(s))
  • Foodstuff
    • Carbo-protein biscuit(First appearance)
    • Hapan ale(First mentioned)
    • Unidentified Yavin 4 fruit(First appearance)
  • The Force
    • Dark side of the Force(Mentioned only)
    • Light side of the Force(Mentioned only)
  • Fungus
  • Hrrtayyk ceremony(Appears in flashback(s))
  • Knapsack(First appearance)(Appears in flashback(s))
  • Language
  • 'May the Force be with you'
  • Nebula orchid(First appearance)
  • New Order(Mentioned only)
  • Pheromone(Appears in flashback(s))
  • Plant
    • Bush
    • Syren plant(First appearance)(Appears in flashback(s))
    • Tree
      • Wroshyr tree(Indirect mention only)
  • Sabacc(Mentioned only)


  • 'Star Wars Publications Timeline'—Star Wars Insider 23

Notes and referencesEdit

Wookieepedia has 9 images related to Young Jedi Knights: Heirs of the Force.
  1. 1.01.1Heirs of the Force (Star Wars: Young Jedi Knights, Book 1) on Amazon.com (backup link)(Berkley Boulevard)
  2. The Essential Reader's Companion
  3. Heirs of the force: young jedi knights #1 (Star Wars: Young Jedi Knights) on Amazon.com (backup link)(Berkley Jam)

External linksEdit

  • Heirs of the Force (Star Wars: Young Jedi Knights, Book 1) on Amazon.com (backup link)
Star Wars: Young Jedi Knights
Heirs of the ForceShadow AcademyThe Lost Ones
LightsabersDarkest KnightJedi Under Siege
Shards of AlderaanDiversity AllianceDelusions of Grandeur
Jedi BountyThe Emperor's PlagueReturn to Ord Mantell
Trouble on Cloud CityCrisis at Crystal Reef

This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy for PC. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please click EDIT and add it.

Hack: Saber Changer[edit]

Activate the cheat console and during gameplay, drop the command window and input helpusobi 1 to enable cheats. Input the following codes and replace the INTEGER with an actual single digit integer for your style of handle or lightsaber:

Dual-wield sabers ... saber single_INTEGER single_INTEGER

Staff-saber ... saber dual_INTEGER

Single-wield saber ... saber single_INTEGER

Glitch: Saber Blaster[edit]

Before entering the room where you face Tavion, switch your weapon to the E-11 Blaster Rifle. Enter the room and watch the cutscene. When the fight begins, you will be holding the blaster in one hand, but your saber will be attatched to the end of it and turned on. (switch weapons to change it back).

Spawn Vehicles[edit]

  • tie-bomber2: Spawns alternate Tie-Bomber (vehicle)
  • atst_vehicle: Spawns AT-ST (vehicle)
  • swoop: Spawns Gray Speeder (vehicle)
  • lambdashuttle: Spawns Imperial Shuttle (vehicle)
  • z-95: Spawns Kyles modified X-Wing (vehicle)
  • rancor_vehicle: Spawns Rancor (animal)
  • swoop_red: Spawns Red Speeder (vehicle)
  • tauntaun Spawns: Tauntaun with reigns(animal)
  • wildtauntaun: Spawns Tauntaun without reigns (animal)
  • tie-bomber: Spawns Tie-Bomber (vehicle)
  • wampa_vehicle: Spawns Wampa (animal)
  • x-wing: Spawns X-Wing (vehicle)

Binding a key[edit]

On the cheat menu, type_ BIND '(key to bind cheat to)' '(cheat you want to bind)' _
Warning: This deletes what was previously on the key. Make sure it does nothing before binding. You can also do BIND '(KEY)' blank to delete the key.

Kill NPC[edit]

Type “npc kill all” to kill everyone except yourself. In some cases this will complete the mission.

Cheat List[edit]

Some codes will not work in newer version of the game.

When playing game hold and press [Shift] and [~] together and type 'devmapall' or 'helpusobi 1' to bypass cheat protection then type these cheats below:

  • god: God mode
  • give all: Gives everything
  • give health: Gives health
  • give armor: Gives armor
  • give ammo: Gives ammo
  • noclip: No clipping mode
  • notarget: Invisibility
  • npc spawn: Spawn NPC [name] (See list below)
  • undying: Dead Mode on
  • kill: Kills yourself
  • quit: Quit game
  • setforceall [1-4]: Have all Force Powers
  • shaderlist: Show shaders

Set Specific Force Powers[edit]

Fist Fight Code - Single Player Mode[edit]

Bring up the console and enter 'devmapall' to enable cheats. Now enter 'iknowkungfu' and you will be able to punch and kick people to death.

NPC List[edit]


Jedi Academy Kotf

Star Wars Jedi Academy Knights Of The Force

Jedi Academy Knights Of The Force
