I spend a lot of my time switching between folders in Windows explorer and the Windows 7 explorer has been driving me nuts lately.

Win7 (or at least the build I have) by default does not auto expand the tree view when you navigate between folders.And recently a friend of mine who I worked with and used to buy youtube views from asked if there’s anything that I can do about it.

  • The structure in Windows 7 and Windows Vista is a little bit different than Windows XP. In those operating systems, it was changed just a little bit to focus more on the organization of the files that you have in that operating system.
  • A folder can hold different types of files, such as text, spreadsheets, and presentations. The Documents folder is the main location in Windows 7 where you store your files. However, there are some special folders, such as Pictures and Music, designed with specialized features to store specific types of files.

The result being you don’t see the usually tree hierarchy on the left pane. Which makes it quite painful if you want to go up a few levels or see the other parent folders.

Luckily there is a new Folder Option called Navigation Pane to switch them back on again. You need to press Alt + T or Organize –> Folder Search Options in Windows Explorer to get to the dialog.

You can uncompress one or more compressed.CAB cabinet files using built-in Windows command line tools like expand.exe, makecab & extrac32. How to extract CAB File using command line tools in.

Windows 7 file structure

Switch both of them on and viola I get my beloved tree view back.

PS- Most of my UWcolleaguesuseotherexplorers and didn’t have to feel this pain.

Windows 8 File System

Let’s say you have built a complicate folder structure that includes many sub-folders in many layers, and have been saving files into it. Now you want to use the same structure as the template for another project, and you are wondering if there is an easy way to duplicate the folder structure you have made to a different location without copying its content.

Luckily, here are some options that can help you out.

Use XCopy

It’s probably the simplest way to duplicate a folder structure without copying the original content. XCopy, stands for extended copy, is a long time Windows built-in command line that copies multiple files or entire directory trees from one location to the other. With the switch /t, you can easily to create the same structure in the destination without copying the files. But if the original location includes any empty folders, you will need the switch /e included in the command as well. See the full syntax below:

xcopy source target /t /e

And the following Figure 1 shows how I did it to duplicate my SkyDrive folder structure to my Z: drive in Temp folder.

Using XXCopy

XXCopy is a 3rd party command line similar to XCopy but with much more features in over 230 switches. In fact, it’s built to mainly compete with Microsoft’s another powerful file copying tool, RoboCopy. It works perfectly well on both 32-bit and 64-bit of Windows.

In most cases, you probably only need XCopy as it fulfills the mission completely. But in other cases, you may want a tool like XXCopy. There are 2 situations where I think XXCopy does what XCopy couldn’t.


For one, XXCopy can duplicate the folder structure with a limitation to certain levels. For example, I only want to the first 2 levels of folder structure being duplicated. Using switch /DL<n> can limits the processing to n levels.

For another, XXCopy can duplicate not only the folder structure but also copy the security information as well. It’s extremely helpful when dealing with a directory tree that has different security settings on different folders.

I’ve been experimenting with other cameras trying to find a decent “plan B” for these situations, and I’ve settle on a Rolleiflex. Bronica s2 exposure meter reviews.

That pretty much covers it. If you are looking for a tool that has a graphic user interface, 47foldersapp might be your option.

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Thank you for the short cut. It worked great and so did Miroirs. Excellent!!!!